Age : minim 21 ani
Limba Engleza : nivel avansat
Minim trei ani experiență în operațiuni audio-vizuale, inclusiv experienţă de bază în industria divertismentului.
Curs de pregătire in designul de sunet pentru teatru sau pregătire de maistru electrician în teatru la un colegiu sau universitate acreditată sau echivalent internațional, ori de preferat echivalent de experiență tehnică.
Înțelege teoria designului de lumină și cum să întrețină o instalaţie de iluminat inteligentă.
Capabil să opereze, depaneze și întrețină echipamentele de bază audio vizuale.
Capabil să opereze, întrețină și inspecteze echipamentele teatrale de bază inclusiv elementele de scenă.
Aptitudini necesare de Microsoft Office.
Capabil să utilizeze un laptop normal și un proiector pentru prezentare.
Contract : 6 luni
Vacanta : 2 luni
Facilitati : cazare, masa, asigurari medicale, rambursare costuri vize, plata biletelor de avion.
Cazarea : loc in cabina de 2 persoane
Programul de lucru : 8-10 ore /zi ( se lucreaza in ture de max 4 ore ) , program liber stabilit de manager, prin rotatie
Taxe Agentie : NU se percept taxe de recrutare/ imbarcare
Cost imbarcare : analizele medicale, detinere pasaport turistic.
Postul de Personal de Divertisment – Tehnician Lumini este o extensie a Personalului de Scenă şi este responsabil pentru operarea şi întreţinerea echipamentelor de divertisment precum şi pentru operaţiunile zilnice ale Departamentului de divertisment. Personalul de Divertisment – Lumină asistă la funcţionarea tuturor spectacolelor de producţie, animatori clienți, evenimente muzicale, teme pentru evenimente de noapte şi oferă asistență pentru orice cerere de divertisment necesară pe vas. Postul Tehnician Lumini este o poziție intermediară între Personalului de Scenă și un Operator Specializat.
Responsible for the programming, operation
and maintenance of the lighting, show control and fog/haze systems in certain
entertainment venues aboard the ship for a variety of events and activities.
Royal Caribbean International expects each
shipboard team member to relentlessly exemplify the principles of the Anchored
in Excellence Credo to all team members. In addition, all duties and
responsibilities are to be performed in accordance with Royal Caribbean
International’s Gold Anchor Standards, SQM standards, USPH guidelines,
environmental, and safety policies.
Each shipboard employee may be required to
perform all functions in various service venues and throughout the ship.
1. In accordance
with Royal Caribbean International’s philosophy of Anchored in Excellence,
each employee conducts oneself in a professional and courteous manner at all
times. This consists of physical and
verbal interactions with guests or fellow shipboard employees and/or in
the presence of guest contact and crew areas.
2. Responsible for
programming, operating and maintaining all aspects of the show lighting, show
control and haze/low fog systems in various entertainment venues for
rehearsals, shows, special events and other activities, including group
functions and charters.
3. Meets with guest
entertainers and certain groups to find out what their lighting-related
requirements may be for upcoming rehearsals, shows or activities.
4. Assists with and
oversees the set up, positioning and strike of effects lighting and related
equipment for certain events or activities in different venues aboard the ship.
6. See that regular
maintenance procedures are carried out in accordance with the scheduled
maintenance in AMOS.
8. Works with the
head sound and light technician to see that a 3 month stock of spare lamps for
all stage lighting, follow spotlights, etc. is kept in stock aboard the
ship. The amount of required lamps
should be simple to determine, as most lamps fail after a predetermined number
of hours. You should also help ensure
that a stock of spare consumables such as haze or fog fluids, gels, gel
strings, CO2 and any parts necessary for routine maintenance are also kept on
9. Makes certain
that all blown lamps are replaced as quickly as possible, that all gels and gel
strings are checked regularly and replaced as necessary, and that fog or haze
fluids and CO2 tanks are replenished as needed.
10. Maintains the
artistic standards and intentions of the Producer, Director and Technical
Designer for the production shows. Prior
to making any edits to the lighting or show control systems, the production
studio should be contacted for approval.
11. Ensures that the
head sound and light technician is notified of all problems or issues with the
lighting, show control, haze/low fog or other systems so this information may
be added to the technical report for the week.
12. Notify of any
changes are made to the lighting rig due to equipment upgrades, show
installations, etc. these changes should be noted on the lighting plot for that
venue if possible.
13. Makes certain that
all e-mail correspondence concerning shipboard matters are sent using the
ship's Lotus Notes accounts. Should also
see that the Cruise Director, SPMs and the shoreside support team are copied,
and that the shoreside technical support team is copied on all e-mails sent
from the ship regarding technical needs or equipment.
14. Consults with the
shoreside Fleet Technical Operations Specialist before planning or undertaking
any large sound or lighting equipment installations or projects, or before
making any larger equipment purchases.
15. Attend any and all
trainings, meetings, classes or courses as required.
17. Responsible for
providing a handover to the incoming Technician at the end of your contract and
for developing hand-over notes at the end of each contract per SQM guidelines.
18. Ensures that all
non-essential equipment such as stage lighting fixtures and projectors are
powered off when not in use.
related duties as required. This
position description in no way states or implies that these are the only duties
to be performed by the shipboard employee occupying this position. Shipboard employees will be required to
perform any other job-related duties assigned by their supervisor or
· Should have a minimum of 2 years experience with hands-on
programming and operation of live performance lighting, as well as doing
regular maintenance and upkeep on conventional and intelligent lighting
· Musical theater and experience with show control systems such as
those from Richmond Sound Design is preferred.
· Proficient in the operation of lighting control consoles
and programs such as those from ETC, Wholehog II, III and Wholehog PC from
Flying Pig Systems, and Martin Lightjockey.
· Working knowledge of, and have the ability to do basic
troubleshooting and maintenance on several types of conventional and
intelligent lighting fixtures, DMX controlled scrollers, ETC Sensor dimming
systems, follow spotlights and haze and low fog systems, as well as the
lighting control consoles and programs mentioned in the preceding paragraph.
· Must be able to work well with others. This is essential, as they will be working
with a team of technicians, and they will be working with a cast of singers and
dancers as well as featured entertainers on a regular basis.
· Education from a technical school preferred.
· Ability to speak English clearly, distinctly and cordially with
· Ability to read and write English in order to understand and
interpret written procedures. This
includes the ability to give and receive instructions in written and verbal
forms and to effectively present information and respond to questions from
guests, supervisors and co-workers.
· Must be able to read and interpret equipment manuals, operations
manuals, memos, technical procedures and necessary rules and regulations. Should be able to effectively present
information and respond to questions from Royal Caribbean employees and guests.
· Ability to speak additional languages such as Spanish, Italian,
Portuguese, French or German preferred. Languages
testing may be requested.
While performing the duties of this job,
the shipboard employee is regularly required to stand; walk; use hands to
touch, handle, or feel; reach with hands and arms; talk or hear; and taste or
smell. Specific vision abilities
required by this job include close vision, distance vision, color vision,
peripheral vision, depth perception, and ability to adjust focus.
All shipboard employees must be physically
able to participate in emergency life saving procedures and drills. Full use and range of arms and legs as well
as full visual, verbal and hearing abilities are required to receive and give
instructions in the event of an emergency including the lowering of lifeboats.
Ability to lift and/or move up to 50 pounds.
Durata contractelor variaza intre 6-8 luni, in functie de postul
obtinut, cu 2 luni pauza intre contracte. Angajarea are forma unei colaborari
pe durata nedeterminata, cu vacante de 6-8 saptamani intre contracte.
Contract pe perioada nedeterminata. Contractele de munca sunt intre 6 si 8 luni, iar vacanta de 8 saptamani.In general,este vorba de doua tipuri de contracte, pentru personal cu salariu fix si pentru personal cu venit obtinut din bacsis. Compania ofera un salariu minim garantat pentru personalul care lucreaza in sistem de tips, insa venitul lunar variaza in functie de marimea statiei, itinerariu, performanta...
NU. Vasele flotelor sunt active 365 zile/an, cu exceptia perioadelor de revizii si reparatii, perioade in care membrii de echipaj sunt activi la bordul vaselor.
Vasele parcurg itinerarii pe marile si oceanele lumii, in zone cu interes turistic ridicat, destinatii exotice, sau destinatii cu insemnatate istorica si culturala.
Vasele flotelor sunt echipate cu tehnologie de navigatie de ultima generatie, avand siguranta maxima de operare.
Un loc de munca pe un vas de croaziera de lux ofera multe oportunitati, iar avantejele sunt considerabile:
Aplicantii trebuie sa intruneasca urmatoarele caracteristici:
Pentru preselectie
Interviul final cu angajatorul
Conceperea unui Curriculum Vitae profesional este un element esential in procesul de aplicare. Pentru unii candidati, acesta este o simpla bucata de hartie, pentru altii insa, aceasta bucata de hartie este cel mai eficient instrument de promovare personala, element care poate face diferenta. Un Curriculum Vitae scris intr-o forma profesionista atrage instantaneu atentia agentului de recrutare. Intr-o competitie deschisa cu alti candidati, uneori pentru un numar restrans de joburi, tocmai acest document poate inclina balanta decizionala in favoarea Dvs. Alegerea formei si a continutului acestui document va apartine in totalitate. Recomandarea noastra este sa tineti cont de faptul ca un CV atragator trebuie sa contina informatii exacte, clare, detaliate si complete.
In limba Engleza
Este criteriu principal de recrutare, o comunicare fluenta este o garantie a intelegerii si interpretarii corecte a sarcinilor de post, a regulamentelor interne, a exprimarii intrebarilor dvs, si implicit, a adaptarii rapide in sistem.
Compania angajatoare face eforturi de a angaja cupluri pe acelasi vas de croaziera, insa nu se poate garanta imbarcarea in aceeasi zi pentru ambii parteneri. Nevoile de personal ale companiei primeaza. Se accepta candidati care pot dovedi fie ca sunt casatoriti , fie ca locuiesc la aceeasi adresa. Inregistrarea cuplurilor se face doar la bordul vasului cand ambii parteneri s-au imbarcat, cu toate acestea este foarte important sa ne mentionati inca de la prima discutie ca doriti sa aplicati in cuplu pentru a va putea programa imbarcarea pe acelasi vas.
In perioada de preselectie, aplicantii au obligatia sa declare:
70 de ore/saptamana ( 7 zile / saptamana , 10-12 ore/ zi )
Intr-o zi de lucru exista in mod normal minim 3 pauze.
de lucru este foarte atent monitorizat la bordul unei nave de croaziera, prin
metode de pontaj electronic. Se poate efectua munca suplimentara doar la
cererea expresa a managementului, in acest caz intervalul lucrat suplimentar
fiind compensat cu timp liber echivalent sau fiind platit.
Cabinele ofera un confort decent pentru doua persoane, sunt echipate cu instalatie de aer conditionat, TV, acces internet( contra cost), baie.
La bordul unei nave de
croaziera exista diverse modalitati de recreere si facilitati oferite in mod
gratuit echipajului: bar, zona de recreere, internet café, biblioteca, sala de
fitness, piscina echipajului (pe unele nave).
Pentru anumiti membri ai
echipajului (ofiteri de rang superior, pozitii manageriale si membri ai
staff-ului), pot exista si privilegii suplimenatare (acces in anumite zone
destinate pasagerilor), intre anumite ore.
exista zile libere prin rotatie, chiar si de 24 de ore, insa acestea raman la
latitudinea managementului, NEEFIND GARANTATE PRIN CONTRACT. In mod normal, o
zi libera tipica la bordul unei nave este echivalentul a unei zile de port
libere, existand totusi cateva ore de munca.
Costurile de imbarcare pot fi diferite, functie de pozitia de aplicare, sau portul de imbarcare. Se recomanda detinerea unui buget care sa acopere urmatoarele cheltuieli:
estimativ : 70- 200 euro pentru imbarcari in porturi europene
estimativ: 500-700 euro pentru imbarcari in porturi non-europene.
Agentia de recrutare Job Cruise NU percepe taxe sau comisioane pentru serviciile de mediere. Serviciile de recrutare, intervievare si asistenta in vederea inceperii raporturilor de munca sunt GRATUITE
Nu intodeauna. In procesul de imbarcare, reprezentantii JOB CRUISE va ofera informatii detaliate despre acces la mijloace de transport, locatia de cazare, persoane si date de contact.