Rigging Specialist
Vacanță: 2 luni între contracte
Specialiști în tachelaj lucrează cu cea mai avansată tehnologie de tachelaj pe mare în toate tipurile de producții la bord, de la spectacole de patinaj la producții muzicale de teatru, la acrobații și acte de zbor și multe altele. Imaginați-vă că vă petreceți dimineața cu întreținerea echipamentului, după-amiaza cu repetițiile noastre de zbor, şi seara facând parte din echipa de producție.
Stabileşte şi operează toate aspectele legate de sistemele de tachelaj, inclusiv motoare, linii, dispozitive de ridicare, șenile, mecanisme de deplasare, ascensoare şi programare a PC/PLC bazate pe sisteme automate. Realizează întreţinerea tuturor sistemelor conexe. Depanează și repară sistemele.
Păstrează jurnale exacte şi actuale de întreţinere pentru toate reparaţiile şi întreţinerile pentru toate sistemele.
Efectuează inspecţii săptămânale ale tuturor sistemelor de tachelaj cu o atenţie specială la sisteme de siguranţă şi la caracteristicile acestora.
Sets up programs, operates, troubleshoots, maintains and repairs all aspects of theatrical rigging systems, including motor lines, hoists, tracks, drums, lifts, company-leased performer flying systems and PC/PLC based automation systems.
1. Conducts ongoing maintenance of all related
systems. Troubleshoots and repairs systems.
2. Notifies the shore side technical support team via e-mail of any urgent needs or anything needing attention.
3. Keeps accurate and current maintenance logs of all repairs and maintenance for all systems. Implement, document and ensure compliance with the specific rigging inspection program.
4. May perform work utilizing climbing/rescue
harness equipment 20-100 feet off the floor.
5. Safely works with entertainer flying systems,
Silks and Harness equipment.
6. Maintains the artistic standards and intentions of the Producer, Director and Technical Designer for the production shows.
7. Conducts weekly inspections of all rigging systems with special attention paid to safety systems and features. Generates weekly rigging reports which includes notes from these inspections and sends them out to a specified list of positions both shipboard and shore side.
8. Makes certain that all e-mail correspondence concerning shipboard matters are sent using the ship's Lotus Notes accounts. Should also see that the Cruise Director, SPMs and the shore side support team are copied, and that the shore side technical support team is copied on all e-mails sent from the ship regarding technical needs or equipment.
9. Coordinates with Stage & Production Manager to maintain adequate inventory of equipment for repairs.
10. Participates in various show set-ups including audio, lighting, staging and scenery. This may alsoinclude groups and charter functions and some theme night activities.
11. Assists entertainment sound and lighting technical teams with repair and maintenance tasks at times, most especially when it requires hoisting or lowering equipment, or working aloft.
12. Carries out certain duties such as changing banners or other entertainment-related tasks. Some of these may be done on a rotation where other entertainment technical staff also assist.
13. Ensures that all rigging-related work is being done safely and in accordance with specific required guidelines.
14. Works with sound, lighting and lounge technicians to make certain that all equipment in every venue is installed, operated and maintained safely, and that safety cables are installed on all applicable equipment.
15. Should strive to ensure that the quality of all entertainment technical equipment is kept up to the ship’s original design standards or better.
16. Attends meetings, training activities, courses
and all other work-related activities as required.
Performs related duties as required. This position description in no way states or implies that these are the only duties to be performed by the shipboard employee occupying this position. Shipboard employees will be required to perform any other job-related duties assigned by their supervisor or management.
· Minimum three years Professional Theater set-up experiences or equivalent including carpentry, electrical, conventional and moving light operation, and basic lighting maintenance, basic sound engineering and knowledge of pyrotechnics preferred.
· Working knowledge of theatrical rigging, maintenance and inspections including: hemp or counterweight rigging, automated systems, winch/motorized rigging, ground rigging, high steel,and rock climbing are preferred. Ability to troubleshoot, repair and maintain automated and manual rigging systems.
· Basic programming knowledge of PC/PLC based systems. Working knowledge of Windows NT, Word, and Excel. Familiar with current PC and PLC stage technologies and rigging operations.
· Must possess adequate inventory of personal rigging/climbing gear such as harness, assorted sizes of slings, and carabiners. Personal supply of basic hand tools, static rope, or dynamic rope is to your advantage.
· Ability
to speak English clearly, distinctly and cordially with co-workers and guests.
· Ability to effectively present information and respond to questions from groups of employees and guests.
All Employees must be physically able to hang in and work from a climbing/rescue harness between 20-100 feet off the floor for extended periods of time.
While performing the duties of this job, the employee is regularly required to stand; sit, stoop, kneel, crawl, or walk; use hands to finger, handle, or feel objects, tools, or controls; reach with hands and arms; talk or hear; and taste or smell. In the event of an emergency the employee may be required to sit, stoop, kneel or crawl.
All shipboard employees must be physically able to participate in emergency life saving procedures and drills. Full use/range of motion of arm and legs as well as full visual, verbal and hearing abilities are required to receive and give instructions in the event of an emergency requiring the lowering of a life boat. Ability to lift and/or move up to 50 pounds.
Varsta : minim 21 ani
Limba Engleza – nivel avansat
Minim trei ani experienţă de punere în scenă pentru teatru profesionist sau echivalentul acestora inclusiv și preferabil tâmplărie, electrician, funcţionarea și punerea în mișcare a luminii de operare şi întreţinerea de bază a iluminatului, inginerie de bază a sunetului şi cunoştinţe de pirotehnie.
Cunoștințe în lucrări de tachelaj în teatru, întreținere și verificări, inclusiv: parâmă de cânepă sau contrapondere tachelaj, sisteme automate, troliu/ tachelaj motorizat, tachelaj de sol, oţel înalt şi alpinism sunt de preferat. Capacitatea de a depana, repara şi întreţine sistemele automate si manuale de tachelaj.
Cunoștințe de bază de programare a sistemelor PC/PLC. Cunoștințe de lucru în Windows NT, Word, și Excel. Familiarizat cu technologiile actuale de PC și PLC și operațiuni de tachelaj.
Trebuie să dețină un inventar adecvat de uneltele personale de tachelaj/alpinism, cum ar fi ham, curele de dimensiuni diferite şi carabiniere. Experiența în furnizarea de instrumente personale de bază manuale, funie statică sau coarda dinamică constituie un avantaj.
Facilitati : cazare, masa, asigurari medicale, rambursare costuri vize consulare, plata biletelor de avion
Cazarea : loc in cabina de 2 persoane
Programul de lucru : 8-10 ore /zi ( se lucreaza in ture de max 4 ore ) , program liber stabilit de manager, prin rotatie
Taxe Agentie : NU se percept taxe de recrutare/ imbarcare
Cost imbarcare : analizele medicale, detinere pasaport turistic
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